I’m writing to let you know how much I appreciate the way you do business. I had been specifically looking for a 2004 Tacoma 4wd with particular extras in the Bay Area for several months and no luck. Good ones were too much money and there was always a story with the rest. I was looking for a solid truck that I hoped to own for another 10 years. I wasn’t looking for perfection, just an honestly presented, straightforward deal on a good used truck.
When I found your website, I thought I might have found the right place. The vehicles on your site are presented with a clear description of the condition and recent work done and the photos are accurate and your prices are very reasonable.
When I saw the truck that I eventually bought on your site I decided that it would be worth the 300 mile round trip from Santa Cruz to check it out.
Your willingness to hold the truck until I could arrange to come down to see it was the first sign of your customer oriented style.
I have been buying only new vehicles for the past 30 years so I was a little nervous buying a used truck. But when I got to your place, you let me take all the time I needed to thoroughly check it out. You answered all my questions and because I was still a little unsure, you offered me an extended 60 day 2000 mile drivetrain warranty. That sealed the deal.
I’m writing to you today because the truck now has over 1800 miles on it since I bought it and I have been to Big Sur, Tahoe and the Napa Valley, on and off road, all with zero issues. I took the truck in today for a thorough exam and it came through with flying colors. Which means that the warranty will expire in the next few days and I never had to even think about using it.
Over the past month I did choose to upgrade the tires, battery and muffler, but I would expect that any used vehicle might need a few things, and I’m pretty picky, so that all seemed fine. I love the truck.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know how gratifying it has been to finally get exactly what I wanted. Thanks again.